Setting New Year’s Goals

The start of a brand new year always brings feelings of change and starting over. Many of us like to make goals to try and make ourselves better in some way. But how many times have we made a goal or resolution in December or January only to have it washed away by February or March? More likely than not, the problem isn’t you, the problem is the goal you set for yourself. Here are some quick tips to help you set goals for 2023 and stick to them! 

Make a list of goals and then make them bite-sized

We love dreaming big! In fact, the bigger the better! But the reality is that many times when we dream super big for goals, they can feel less exciting and more scary. It’s hard to define where to start and the steps along the way. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon this year and you haven’t been running in ages, you can’t really just go out on a 15 mile run the first day. By starting with a big goal and portioning it into smaller pieces, you’ll be able to tackle each smaller goal more easily. 

Make time for your goals

As you think about your smaller goals and how to reach them, consider what sort of time commitment it’s going to take. If you’ve made a goal to eat healthier this year, consider the time you’ll need to make sure you’re getting healthy foods from the store instead of ordering out. Make these small changes a part of your daily and weekly routines so they feel natural. The easier it is to do something, the more easily it will become a habit. 

Visualize your goals at the finish line

Visualization is a strong skill to have when it comes to goal setting. Close your eyes and imagine what it feels like to have already reached your goal. What are the sights, smells, and sounds of being in that space? How do you feel knowing you achieved your goal? What emotions does this bring up for you? By visualizing the end of your goal, it can help motivate you to reach that ultimate end feeling. Anytime you’re feeling a little stuck or frustrated, turn back to that visualization process for a boost of positivity. 

Get started

The only way to start is to just start. Hit the ground running and don’t turn back. Making small strides every single day toward your goal will help you to be consistent. Keeping a steady momentum working towards your goals might even help you get to the finish line faster than you thought! 

Setting goals can be so much fun and an exciting thing to do. Be sure to keep these tricks in mind when setting your goals so you can be as successful as possible. If you’re looking for a more step-by-step guide to setting goals and reaching them, be sure to check out our workbook: A Mom’s Guide to Wellness


Everyday Wellness for Moms


Happy New Year!