Five Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, it’s at the top of our minds to lean into being thankful for things in our lives. But practicing gratitude is something we should be doing each day as a way to stay grounded and present in our lives. Being intentional about practicing gratitude is also a big part of our mental and emotional wellness as women and moms. If you’re searching for ways to improve wellness in your life, be sure to check out our workbook: A Mom’s Guide to Wellness

For this Thanksgiving season, let’s start by doing easy and attainable gratitude practices each day. Here are five simple ways to practice gratitude in your life. 

1. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Once a day, sit down with your journal and write three things you are grateful for. They can be simple things like the clothes you’re wearing, or larger things like the kindness of a friend calling you. Take the time to write and sit with these feelings for a bit of time and savor the feeling you get thinking about how grateful you are for the things you chose. 

2. Say It Out Loud

When someone does something kind for you or even when you’re just feeling grateful throughout the day, say it out loud. Allowing yourself to hear that you’re grateful signals your brain and body to make a stronger connection. 

3. Be in the Moment 

In the moments you are feeling grateful, stop and be present in that moment. Take a deep breath and note what you see, feel, hear, smell, and taste. By focusing in on your senses, it will help to more deeply root you in your gratitude. 

4. Share With Others

Let people know when you are feeling grateful for them. You can call, text, or even send them a card in the mail. Practicing gratitude in this way opens up your emotions to others and lets them know you’re thankful for them. 

5. Put it on Display  

Seeing a reminder in front of us can help trigger our brains to take a moment and think about what we’re grateful for. Putting a quote, message, or photo in places you frequently sit or work can help to bring up feelings of gratitude. 

Practicing gratitude is so important for our mental and physical wellbeing. It can reduce stress, make you feel better about yourself and others, and generally bring joy to your life. We hope in this holiday season you stop to think about all the things you have to be grateful for!


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