Affirmations for Erasing Mom Guilt

If there’s one thing most moms feel at some point in their motherhood journey it’s guilt. Guilt for not spending enough time with your kids. Guilt for not making every meal healthy. Guilt for working too much. Guilt for spending time on yourself. The list can go on and on and on. The reality of the situation is that we often put too much pressure on ourselves to be the perfect mom. And as we all know, perfection is not attainable. There’s no possible way to be the perfect mom in every scenario, every day, for the entirety of their lives. 

But I get it, that mom guilt creeps in, sometimes unexpectedly, and makes you feel bad for all the things you are or are not doing. The thoughts and feelings you have can be overwhelming and leave you feeling down. The next time you’re having feelings of mom guilt, try saying these affirmations to give you peace of mind. 

  • I am everything my children need. 

  • My best is good enough. 

  • I am grateful for the time I get to spend with my kids. 

  • I am setting a good example for my kids by working hard. 

  • I deserve this time to myself. 

  • Taking care of myself is important. 

  • I am more than just a mom. 

The next time you start feeling guilty for one thing or another related to being a mom, take a deep breath and say one of these affirmations out loud. Always remember you’re doing the best you can and you’re the best mom for your kids! 


New Year, New Blues


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